November 28, 2014

How to look for work in Sydney

stupidOnce you’ve arrived in Sydney, finding a job is key to the settling in process.

Many jobs are not actively advertised, so your job search needs to involve a variety of strategies, including networking.

Five ways to find a job in Sydney include:

  1. Use your personal contacts and networks
  2. Read job ads in newspapers.
  3. Look at online job websites
  4. Look at professional and trade publications.
  5. Find a recruitment agency that specialises in your field.

Contacts and networking

Many jobs are not advertised so networking is one of the best ways to find work in Australia. This can range from contacting people who work in areas you are interested in, to telling personal contacts that you are looking for work and telling them about your skills and interests.

Some of the ways to access job opportunities that aren’t advertised include:

  1. Make a list of local companies and contact their HR department to explore job opportunities.
  2. Ask friends and professional contacts to let you know if they hear of any suitable jobs.
  3. Join ‘service’ clubs – such as Rotary or Lions.
  4. Do some voluntary work.

Networking shows initiative and enthusiasm, as well as research and communication skills, which are valued in today’s market. Successful networkers show an interest in the people they meet, ask relevant questions and, most importantly, listen and follow up on advice they have received.

Advertisements in newspapers

Most Australian newspapers carry job ads. See the following newspapers for more information about their job advertisements:

  1. The Australian
  2. The Sydney Morning Herald
  3. The Daily Telegraph
  4. Online Newspapers and Local Newspapers.

Online job websites

Many companies and recruitment agencies advertise on jobseeker websites. New job ads are published daily. You can set up a personal account (which is generally free) so that suitable job ads can be emailed to you.

Some of these job websites include useful information to help you in your search, such as resume writing and presentation and preparing for interviews.

There are many internet-based jobseeker websites in Australia. Some of the most popular include:

  1. Seek
  2. CareerOne
  3. Adzuna
  4. NowHiring
  5. Indeed

Companies advertise jobs on their own websites, so it is a good idea to regularly check the websites of companies that interest you.

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies advertise specific positions in newspapers and on jobseeker websites on behalf on employers. If you notice that one recruiter is advertising a number of positions in your area of expertise, you may want to contact them to discuss your career plans.

Voluntary work and work experience

Voluntary work and work experience can include paid or unpaid work in the public or private sectors. This work gives you an insight into in the Australian workplace as well as valuable work experience to help you apply for jobs and develop your skills. Voluntary work and work experience can also lead to gathering Australian referees which will help with your job search.

Ways to find suitable voluntary work or work experience include:

  1. Directly approach employers.
  2. Let family and friends know you’re looking.
  3. Search online for internships and volunteer opportunities.

Look at work experience in the same way you would any job search by doing your research and preparing what you are going to ask before contacting the company.

Good luck!!

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