December 28, 2021

Job Search Trends For The New Year 2024

As of late the job market has felt less than normal. As we progress into 2024, the career landscape is predicted to be tricky to navigate for both job seekers and employers. Here are some job search trends to be aware of for the New Year in 2024.

Some Industries Will Thrive, While Others Will Struggle

As we saw over the bulk of the pandemic some industries struggled and others thrived or continued as normal, this trend is will continue into 2022. For example, hospitality, tourism and the fitness are industries that are still recovering. Unfortunately, labour shortages are set to linger.

There are plenty of jobs out there at the moment, so when starting your own job search taking time to review all your options is going to make the world of difference. Consider if the industry you are seeking to get into is struggling or not rehiring at the same level as it used to. You may even contemplate a career change and draw upon transferrable skills.

Lots of Perks Available – But is This a Good Thing?

As employers report a shortage of workers, you may have seen they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at new hires to attract talent. On a recent news story from Melbourne, Victoria one restaurant owner went as far as offering one year’s paid rent as a perk for a new Restaurant Manager.

Perks are great and all but let’s not forget about the other things that tend to matter to us in the long run. Such as:

Freelancing & Less Experienced Workers

Those who choose to freelance are finding more opportunities due to the “great resignation” forcing more companies to pay high premiums for more experienced employees. This has also opened a door for those who are either less experience or lack experience entirely. Employers are now considering candidates who they may have never in the past. Choosing training above the salary inflation we are seeing. This is a great opportunity for job seekers to try a new field or apply for a more senior role to take on more responsibility.

Faster Recruitment Process

It is likely that we will see a much faster recruitment process in an effort to secure talent in a tight market. Hiring speed now gives companies an edge over their competition. This means it’s important for job seekers to know what they want, to save time and avoid missing out on a perfect opportunity.

For more tips and advice check out our ’job seeker help centre’ or ‘Employer Information’ section on our website. The Recruitment Alternative operates Australia and New Zealand wide. Across Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. If you would like to find out more about our services, contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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