February 7, 2022

5 Recruitment Strategies Tips

Recruiting top talent takes a combination of creativity, diligence, consistency and communication. Here are a few recruitment strategies tips from The Recruitment Alternative to help you attract job seekers, create a great first impression of your company and hire top talent.

1. Treat Candidates Like Customers

Whether it is a phone screen or an in-person interview, a candidate’s first impression of your company is critical. It’s important you make them feel you’re as excited about getting to know them. As they are about being considered for the role. Mutual respect is key. One of the easiest techniques is to treat candidates the same way you treat customers. For example:

  • Be respectful of their time – No matter the interview method, always be sure to show up on time. If you’re running late, let the candidate know as far in advance as possible.
  • Be hospitable – When a candidate arrives for an in-person interview, help them to feel comfortable. You could try asking them if they would like something to drink. Help them feel as welcome as possible as this will assist them in relaxing during the interview so you can get a more accurate read on who they are as a potential employee.
  • Make yourself available – Provide candidates with your contact information or a nominated contact person, so they’re able to reach out with questions and concerns throughout the process.

2. Social Media

This is a fantastic recruiting tool as we have seen in recent trends. Social recruiting allows you to share job posting with your entire network and encourages a two-way conversation. Even if the people you reach aren’t interested in the role for which you’re hiring, it’s likely they may know someone who is a good fit and may refer the job on. Also, by sharing photos and videos from company events or day-to-day office life, you give potential applicants a glimpse into your company culture.

3. Craft Compelling Job Descriptions

Writing an attention-grabbing and thorough job description is crucial to engaging with qualified candidates. Make it clear, precise and accurate to avoid confusion of responsibilities. You may want to consider:

  • Specific job titles – The more accurate your title, the more effective you will be in piquing the interest of the most qualified and interested job seekers.
  • Opening summary – Provide an overview that gets job seekers excited about the role and the company.
  • Don’t forget the essentials – Include core responsibilities, hard and soft skills, day-to-day activities, and explain how the position fits into the organisation.
  • Keep descriptions to the point – Job descriptions between 700 and 2,000 characters receive up to 30% more applications, according to Indeed Data.

4. Consider Past Candidates

Often when you hire for a position, there are a few talented candidates that end up not making the cut due to timing or other external factors. When you’re recruiting for a similar position, consider re-visiting the resumes of past applicants. You could end up placing a candidate in record time!

5. Include Current Employees in the Interview Process

Your employees can add valuable insight into a potential new hire. Especially if they work in the same department that you are recruiting for. Current employees can give an accurate description of day-to-day experiences and help candidates better understand what they can expect if hired.

Are you a small business looking to recruit top talent at an affordable price? Contact The Recruitment Alternative today on 1300 548 546 or via our contact us page. We will be able to work with you to achieve your recruitment needs.

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