October 3, 2016

Recruitment Trick or Treat ?

Halloween is approaching, don’t let your new hire be a recruitment trick or treat lucky dip. As all employers quickly learn, there’s a world of difference between a new employee who’s correctly matched to their job and their organization, and recruiting one who is not.recruitment trick-or-treat

How do you find and match the right people to the right jobs?

By including, in your organisation’s people strategy, a well-structured recruiting program. So the key to successfully running such a program is to follow a recruiting process. Resist the temptation to omit steps, because shortcutting the process can short-change your results.

Here’s what you’ll need to do

1. Have accurate, current job descriptions.

Make sure you have an effective job description for each position in your company. Your job descriptions should reflect careful thought as to the roles the individual will fill, the skill sets they’ll need, the personality attributes that are important to completing their tasks, and any relevant experience that would differentiate one applicant from another. This may sound basic, but you’d be surprised at how many small companies fail to develop or maintain updated job descriptions.

2. Compile “Team member profiles”

It’s important to develop a “Team member profile” of the ideal employee for key positions in your company. This is critical to the execution of your organisations business plan. These might include such positions as team leaders, direct managers, and salespeople. The aim to be able to clearly identify any missing skills and attributes that you may have in your team. By using this information, you’ll be able to develop a profile to help you select the candidates most likely to succeed in any future vacancies.

3. Contact a Recruitment Agency that has a proven success record with small to medium sized business.

Recruitment agencies have more time than you do to contact potential candidates and screen their qualifications. They can also conduct pre-screening interviews and narrow down the pool to the best candidates available.

4. Draft the ad, describing the position and the key qualifications required.

Although some applicants will ignore these requirements and respond regardless, including this information will help you limit the number of unqualified applicants.

5. Post the ad in the mediums most likely to reach your potential job candidates.

Of course, the Internet has become the leading venue for posting job openings, but don’t overlook targeted industry publications and local business groups.

6. Schedule and conduct candidate interviews.

Once you’ve received a list of potential candidates, select candidates by matching the best applicant to the profiled job description. The “Team member profile” you created for each position will help you determine which behavioural traits are important. Use a consistent set of 10 or 12 questions to maintain a structured interview and offer a sound basis for comparing applicants.

7. Select the candidate.

Ensure to conduct at least two interviews with your top candidate(s). Sometimes personality issues don’t surface on the first interview. Plus, you want to make sure you have the right chemistry with the successful candidate.

8. Run a background check on the individual to uncover any potential problems not revealed by previous testing and interviews.

As a completed recruitment provider The Recruitment Alternative will conduct the reference check on behalf of their clients. If you are conducting this stage yourself visit our Employee page and check out our question Library link on questions that you could ask.

9. Make your offer to the candidate.

The information you collected during the interview process will provide you with important insights as to starting compensation levels and training needs.

Additional Recruitment trick or treat tips

So before you start the hiring process, determine your strategy. Make sure the successful candidate is a good fit with your company’s culture.

Do you understand your company’s culture? If need be, ask an outsider to assess the culture of your organisation. Your goal is to have a plan that will help you determine whether you have a the right person who will fit into your company’s culture.

Your goal is to have a plan that will help you determine whether you have the right person who will fit into your company’s culture.

In conclusion, your people strategy must include a recruiting and selection strategy that attracts and retains quality employees. So following a structured process will help you best match the right people to the right jobs. Recruitment trick or treat – No risk with The Recruitment Alternative.

The Recruitment Alternative – Low-Cost Recruitment Solutions for all size businesses throughout Australia.

Contact: 1300 548 546

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