November 5, 2018

Melbourne Cup! How To Win The Recruitment ‘Race’

Melbourne Cup is tomorrow! There is no doubt that it is a competitive recruitment market at the moment. So how can you be first out of the ‘birdcage’ and find your winning ‘horse’ that will give you the best return? Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative to help you take off your ‘blinkers’ and find your ‘front-runner’:

Act Quickly

With candidates having many positions to choose from, how fast you act can often be a key factor in securing the right candidate before they’re snapped up. If your interview process is excessively lengthy, you’re not willing to negotiate and take too long to make a decision your ability to secure top talent may diminish significantly.

If you lack the time and ‘horsepower’ to run a recruitment campaign to its highest standard then you need to outsource this task. The Recruitment Alternative exists to provide low-cost recruitment excellence. We fly in the face of the perception that great service costs a lot of money. Contact us to find out more.

Interview Process

Once you have decided on a shortlist of candidates you would like to interview, along with acting quickly you will need to prepare the right interview questions and communicate clearly. You may want to include questions that are tailored to each candidate’s resume. Here are some suggestions you can adapt to suit each candidate:

  • Open-ended that require more than a ‘yes or no’ answer
  • Behavioral and or hypothetical questions that candidates can relate to. This often will reveal how candidates would respond in real situations the job role will present
  • Check facts – some close-ended questions may be required to confirm information noted on the candidates resume such as dates, length of time etc.

Be Thorough

Don’t be too quick to rush a decision, you still need to consider all criteria to avoid selecting the wrong candidate. Ensure reference checks are completed on your choice applicant as this will form part of your final decision. Especially if you have two candidates who are heading for a ‘photo finish’. Take notes during the interview process so that you can highlight any key points. Take time to picture your top applicant in the role and how they would fit culturally.

We delight in how happy our clients are when they hire a great new staff member and make such great savings. We provide services across Australia and New Zealand. As a generalist recruitment agency, we offer affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services, contact us today on 1300 548 546.

Happy Cup Day!

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