December 30, 2018

5 New Year Resolutions For Job Seekers

It may seem like a cliché to make a list of resolutions for 2019. But the New Year is actually the perfect time to commit to actions that will positively affect your career. Over the Christmas break, you’ve probably had some time to reflect on the previous year and are eager to shed bad habits and start over. Saying you’re going to do something is the easy part. If you’re really serious about finding your dream job this year, here are some great resolutions from The Recruitment Alternative to try and keep:

“I Will Make A Plan”

Once you have decided on your new goals it makes sense to make a clear plan. To ensure you can reach your career goals, making a plan that takes you back to the basics. Refresh your resume, cover letter and build a professional online presence. Make a list of companies to target in your search and set realistic daily job seeking activities. In your plan, you can dot point the next few steps such as preparing for an interview, negotiation tactics etc. 

“I Will Work Positively With Recruiters”

Working with recruiters can make all the difference in your job seeking journey. They can offer you fantastic advice, prepare you for an interview, provide you with feedback on your resume, negotiate on your behalf etc. It’s important to always respond in a timely fashion and, be open and honest with your recruiter. Don’t waste your time or a recruiters time by applying for positions you are not qualified for. Always read job ads carefully, recruiters act on behalf of employers so being professional at all times will help you to stand out from the crowd. 

“I Will Build And Maintain A Professional Network” 

In today’s job-seeking market, an online presence is a very important step on your job seeking journey. Make sure your LinkedIn and Seek profiles are current. Make new connections and continuously cultivate existing connections. Use social media, there are many jobs seeking groups and other such networks to connect with. Don’t forget other tools such as the good old telephone, to stay in touch with friends and colleagues. Take advantage of industry events and other networking opportunities to meet new people in your field.

“I Will Remain Positive”

You may not find overnight success when job seeking. More often then not these things take time so it’s important to remain positive and don’t pass up on good opportunities when they arise. Reward yourself regularly for small victories and take on feedback. While you’re working on goals specific to job hunting, it also makes sense to enhance your work-related skills. Look for opportunities to better yourself and help improve your job prospects. 

“I Will Think About The Kind Of Job I Really Want”

If you’re going to take the time to look for a new position, it should be something you really want to do. In other words, determine what will make you happy and what exactly you want from a new position. Is it a higher salary, more flexibility, added responsibility, and authority etc. A work-life balance is one of the most important and trending things to many job seekers. You will save a lot of time by knowing what you want, what you will compromise/negotiate on etc. 

Seeking a new job is always going to require exceptional effort on your part. Following these suggestions along the way should help you to move toward a successful search in the new year. Be sure to check out The Recruitment Alternative’s job board for new employment opportunities. Also, take a look at our job seeker help center for more tips and suggestions to assist you on your job seeking journey. 

Happy New Year! 

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