November 1, 2018

Social Media for Small Business

As a small business owner, having a social media presence can be a great way to reach existing customers and clients, as well as connect with potential ones. When this is done correctly and effectively, it can add a boost to your business.

However, you also need to be conscious of how you manage your social media platforms as it can be a distraction as well as deter potential clients if not utilized effectively.

Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative on ways you can foster a positive social media experience for your business.

What are your goals?

You don’t need have social media presence across all platforms just because they are available to you. Think about your business goals then identify which platform will best assist you in achieving those goals. Make a list of 3 to 5 goals, then look at which platform/s you will use to leverage these goals.

Choose your platform

Do some research and find out where your clients and customers spend most of their time online. Invest your time in this platform, start networking, sharing other people’s content and start growing your connections.

Use visuals

When posting content on your social media pages, adding photos, videos or graphics as opposed to pure content, will help boost engagement with your audience. If you have a service based business, you could consider posting a photo that aligns with your content and is quick to grab the attention of the reader.

Seek assistance

Managing your social media pages as well as your business can be overwhelming and you don’t need to do it all yourself. See if there is someone in your business who can take over management of this function, or if your budget allows, enlist in external support.

The Recruitment Alternative has presence across three social media platforms. You can find us at the links below:




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