March 11, 2024

Market Trend for Jobseekers- Few Jobs Available?

The shift in dynamics is a sharp contrast to the busy employment scene we were once accustomed to in the past. Fewer jobs are listed on different platforms and the competition for available positions has increased. This downturn is not only shaping the present job market but also serves as a potential challenge for job seekers.

According to an article published by ABC News, several job boards that were once flooded with diverse job listings now appear with a diminished number of opportunities. The hospitality and tourism industries have proved a major drop despite the upcoming holiday season, followed by the design, architecture, and retail sectors.

One factor that is being suggested is the rising inflation along with the cost of living which strengthens the pressure among these businesses. Among all the states, New South Wales and Victoria recorded the biggest drop in the available jobs listed, having the industrial and construction sectors being greatly affected in Melbourne.

Just this October, there were other industries that showed declines in job advertisements such as design and architecture, retail, call centres and customer service, advertising, arts and the media, as well as banking and financial services.

In a related article posted by 9news, the supply and demand show a contrasting figure- with the 5% drop in the posted advertisements, the percentage of applicants for each position has risen to 4.1% since September this year.

The Recruitment Alternative is Your Partner!

Truly, with the current tight market, job seekers are struggling to locate available opportunities that match their backgrounds and skills. Thankfully, The Recruitment Alternative has plenty of jobs available!

From trades and services to hospitality, tourism, retail, construction, and much more, we can guarantee you will be able to find your next career! Head over to our Job Listings page and feel free to contact us at 1300 548 546 to discuss your suitability for the role!

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