May 5, 2020

Job Seeking Tips During Covid-19 Virus

During the Covid-19 virus pandemic, we all need to find new ways to adapt until we are all through the other end. The employment space is quickly changing and evolving across the globe. With all these changes brings uncertainty and worry. Especially for those seeking a new opportunity. The Recruitment Alternative would like to offer some job seeking tips for during this period.

Look For The Demand

There are some industries that are experiencing a great deal of growth at the moment. Keeping up with where the demands are will put you one step ahead of the competition. According to a recent study by Victoria University, the following top 4 industries are in demand:

  • Heath Care – aged care workers, nurses, dentists, social workers/mental health workers, etc.
  • Professional, Scientific & Technical Industries – legal services, accounting services, IT, computer system design, veterinary services, call centre, retail worker, cleaners, etc.
  • Trades & Construction – engineering, labourers, delivery drivers, truck drivers, etc.
  • Education & Training – primary and high school teachers, early educators, Tafe/RTO trainer/assessors, etc.

Online Short Course

Keep your skills sharp and up to date by completing free or paid online short courses. Many businesses are offering free short courses so why not take advantage of this. Not only will it maintain your currency but will look excellent on your resume. Your new skillset will only stand out and contribute to a future employer.


With many job interviews (and businesses) now being conducted online, you should take some time to familiarise yourself with a variety of online chat platforms. Such as Zoom, Skype, ZenDesk, Google Hangout, GoToMeeting, Cisco WebEx, BlueJeans, and more! Being familiar with multiple platforms will help avoid potential technical issues, user errors, etc. during interactions such as a job interview.

Social Media

During times like these, being active on social media is vital. Stay apart of the conversation that are happening out there. Share insightful though and comment on articles of interest. Especially if they are connected with potential future employers. Join discussion groups, job-seeking groups and community groups to keep in touch with what’s going on around you. It’s a great way to connect with others, network and communicate. You could even start posting your own ideas on platforms such as LinkedIn. You could find yourself being approached if someone reads and likes what you have to say.

As a generalist recruitment agency, we have experience across the board! Head to our ‘jobs board’ to find your next career opportunity. While you’re there pay our ‘job seeker help center’ a visit for some more advice and tips. We also connect to job seekers and clients via our ‘Facebook page’, give us a like to keep in touch with the most current job opportunities available.

The Recruitment Alternative operates Australia and New Zealand wide. Across Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. We can offer you affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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