November 7, 2014

Job hunting tips after being a Stay-at-Home Dad

nervesBeing a stay-at-home dad has an upside, but trying to get back into the workforce after a few years at home can be challenging. Whilst looking for a job is hard work, people looking for a job after a gap in their work history face a different set of challenges. Networking, writing, and interviewing strategies can help you re-enter the workforce successfully.

Call former co-workers and other connections to help you. You can use platforms like LinkedIn or network by attending conferences or seminars. The easiest way to find opportunities is to stay connected in the community where you want to work and maintain relationships.  Also connect with Recruitment Consultants and build relationships with them.

Put together a resume that shows your objectives for returning to work, your contact information, your education, your work experience and your specialized skills. Ask a Recruitment Consultant for advice if you need to.

Cover Letter
Write a cover letter and state the reasons you’ve been out of the workforce. Modify it to the specific job and describe your experience and skills.  Focus on the skills you’ve kept and your desire to return. E.g. “Although I have been a stay-at-home dad for the past two years, I am eager to return to the workforce and will bring my customer service skills to this position. I will bring this knowledge back to the workforce to perform as a top manager.” Address the cover letter to a specific person, if possible. It is normal to email a cover letter, and if you do so, treat it like a formal letter and proofread carefully.

Even if you get an interview through contacts and connections, approach it professionally and make a proper impression. People that referred you did so because they stand behind your credentials. Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume. Recruitment Consultants may ask you about specific experiences on your resume, and they might also ask you to describe how you would handle particular situations. Also, be prepared to ask a few questions about the job and the company. Show you’ve done your research by asking about specific features of the job. Avoid questions about salary and benefits during the first interview, as this can be a turnoff. Show your passion because when you are passionate about something, you talk about it with enthusiasm.

Good luck!

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