Hot to get your FIRST Graphic Design job in Australia

Many young designers find it hard to believe that they can earn a living doing something they love. Finding the right first job, even if it’s a summer job, is not just an important step in launching your career – It gives you exposure to the field. So before you start your job search, you […]

How to land a job in Logistics

The logistics industry is growing but finding a job in this area still takes preparation – here are some tips: Career Work out where you ultimately want to be – do you want to run a company or specialise in a particular field? Write a career plan detailing what you want to achieve. Network, get […]

How to get noticed by a Recruiter in Sydney

Sydney offers a thriving and exciting job market for job seekers.  Whilst Australia’s largest city offer a broad range of great jobs it can also offer a lot of competition for the best jobs.  This Blog has been written to give you an edge in the Sydney job market…. There are lots of benefits that […]

New Year – New Job!

When the clock hits midnight on New Year’s Eve it is normally the time for contemplating changes that you want to make in the year ahead and making your career more successful is perhaps on this list. For candidates looking to enhance their career prospects in 2015, the preparation for a career change normally starts […]

Do you want to be a project manager in Australia?

When even the most junior project management positions advertised require qualifications and experience it can be difficult to get your foot in the door. Here are some tips to increase your chances. Experience is the Catch-22 of project management recruitment. Prospective employers and recruitment consultants want to see that you’ve got it, and you can’t […]

How to look for work in Sydney

Once you’ve arrived in Sydney, finding a job is key to the settling in process. Many jobs are not actively advertised, so your job search needs to involve a variety of strategies, including networking. Five ways to find a job in Sydney include: Use your personal contacts and networks Read job ads in newspapers. Look […]

How to Get a Job in Marketing

How do I get a job in marketing? The first question is: do I have the key attributes for a career in marketing? There are some skills that are important to a marketer, no matter which type of marketing they specialise in: Can you communicate a message verbally and in writing clearly and concisely and build […]

Finding Your Dream Job

This is the job you would do even if you didn’t need to earn anything. Finding a job that matches your skills, knowledge, personality and values can mean the difference between boredom and excitement. Three days a week doing what you love will do the trick.   One of the hard things about finding your […]

Job hunting tips after being a Stay-at-Home Dad

Being a stay-at-home dad has an upside, but trying to get back into the workforce after a few years at home can be challenging. Whilst looking for a job is hard work, people looking for a job after a gap in their work history face a different set of challenges. Networking, writing, and interviewing strategies […]

Cover letter errors that will stop your application in it’s tracks….

Some people will never read your cover letter and the rest may delete your resume if it does not include a cover letter. Others will value it above anything else. Since you don’t know which type of employer or recruitment consultant will receive your application, assume the cover letter is a crucial piece of the […]

Are you unqualified for the job – but really want it?

Applying for a job where you don’t exactly meet the requirements is always going to be challenging. After all, there is only a limited amount of rewording and rearranging that you can do to show that you should be considered as a potential candidate despite your apparent shortfall in required credentials. But on a lot […]

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