February 2, 2015

How to get noticed by a Recruiter in Sydney

goldStarTNSydney offers a thriving and exciting job market for job seekers.  Whilst Australia’s largest city offer a broad range of great jobs it can also offer a lot of competition for the best jobs.  This Blog has been written to give you an edge in the Sydney job market….

There are lots of benefits that using social media can bring to your job hunt, but one that is frequently passed by is the information that you can get from reading blogs.

Many recruitment professionals write regular blogs, and they can offer great insight into the recruitment and hiring process, giving you the job seeker a chance to see how their interviewers see things.

A lot of recruiters also offer their thoughts on how you the candidate can improve your chances of being considered for a role and of getting feedback from, and interaction with, the people involved in the process.

If The Recruitment Alternative can you give you some words of advice today in our blog they would be :

Know What You Can Do
What are you good at? What training have you had and what skills have you developed? Where can you have an impact? Many of these questions are those that you should ask yourself when writing your CV and certainly when applying for roles. Your chances of making a shortlist will be magnified if you are applying for roles that match your skills and capabilities.

Be Selective
A common complaint from recruiters is over the volume of applications for each role. They know that in the current jobs market there are many people looking for work and applying for positions, but when they are trying to fill a specific role they want to be able to focus on those who have relevant skills.

It isn’t easy, but the process will be helped if you target the vacancies and companies that best suit the person you identified in point 1…you!

Contact the Recruiter
It may seem that we’re going out a bit on a limb with this one, but many recruiters do respond to contact…provided you are a good match for the role and can demonstrate it. If you are using social media in your search then LinkedIn could be a starting point as you can find the relevant person and see if you have any connections that may be able to introduce you. Don’t start sending invites through LinkedIn if you haven’t a connection though…use the contact information that the recruiter gives in their profile.

Sometimes an e-mail, even a phone call, can get through…provided you can show that you have the skills and abilities to do the job, and have done your homework on the company. After all, the recruiter wants to get the right person to fill the role as soon as possible. Try and make their life easier!

Maybe the hardest part of all is the waiting. You don’t know if you’re being considered or not and the temptation is to start following up. This is particularly tough at the moment, as the volume of applications is high, so even if you are dealing with a recruiter who does get back to all candidates, it may take time.

Any follow up should be professional and courteous, and should re-affirm your relevance for the role. The key words Amy used for the right follow up approach were steady, consistent and positive.

Good luck!!

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