April 2, 2021

Recruitment Tips For Hiring Managers

Finding the right staff members can be challenging. Especially taking into consideration the specific needs of your department and company culture. Unfortunately, your day job doesn’t go on hold while you recruit. Given the significant costs that can come into play when a new hire goes sideways, a hiring manager needs to ensure that they are fully prepared and are not making a desperate hire. Here are some recruitment tips for hiring managers put together by The Recruitment Alternative to help you find the right fit:

What are you looking for?

Knowing what you are looking for prior to advertising and interviewing is vital. Draft an appropriate position description (PD) with clear information regarding the role requirements, job title, expectations, skills required, any qualifications specified, etc. When writing your job ad, you can take information from this PD but also be sure to highlight the benefits of working with your organisation.

The Interview Process

Being prepared for the interview process is a very important step. Have questions both skills based and behavioural written down in advance and take notes during the interview with each candidate. Know what you’re looking for and predetermine your salary budget. Interviews are a two-way street, candidates are looking at many other employers just as you are looking at other candidates. Prepare yourself to negotiate. Especially if you come across a standout candidate. You wouldn’t want to potentially miss out on a suitable applicant because you hadn’t crunched numbers beforehand.

References and Then What?

While you’re weighing up your options after the interviews, your preferred candidate may also be considering other employers. So, once you’ve made a decision and all the candidate’s references check out, extend your offer as soon as possible to avoid losing them to another opportunity. Decide beforehand how high you’re willing to go with salary. As you enter the final stages of negotiation, consider adding non-monetary perks to sweeten the deal. Work life balance is often what candidates prioritise, so consider how you can highlight this in your offer.

Feeling Busy But Need To Recruit?

As the hiring manager you may still find that you are too busy to recruitThe Recruitment Alternative can help you! With our affordable fixed pricing, we offer a low-cost recruitment solution that can save you serious money, seriously. Operating across Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, etc. our highly skilled consultants are ready to find the right fit for your organisation. Contact us on 1300 548 546 today to discuss how we can help save you money and time on your next recruitment campaign.

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