February 27, 2017

Recruit new staff with Passion for thier work

When you’re looking to recruit new staff checklist for Passion. You want candidates who are passionate about what they do for a living, don’t you?SME recruitment

Of course, you do. But passion for a profession is tough to get a handle on.  There’s a lot of fake passion people out there. Enthusiasm is great, but it’s not passion. Passion is what keeps you grinding for days on a single issue when no one but you really cares.  The Recruitment Alternative consultants understand how to Recruit for Passion.

Recruit new staff checklist

Party clowns are enthusiastic. Passionate people dig in for the long haul, even when it’s incredibly hard.

How can you test passion in an interview?  Find out whether the people you are interviewing have passion for what they do. Or are they just working pay to pay. Use some of the following interview strategies:

  1. Ask them how they keep up to date in their field.  

    If you see a mountain of professional training and activities that only happen in company time, you’re probably not dealing with passion. Passionate people tend to look outside work for professional development.

  2. Ask them to give you a big question in their field they’d like to solve and why.

    Enquire what they’ve done related to starting to work towards a solution. Push around the answers they give. Can you see any creativity? You might have passion. Do you hear lots of pretty power words or an emphasis on the work of others? That’s fake passion.

  3. Ask how they find others in their profession to connect with, and how often they connect with others in their field outside of their company.

    How have those connections helped them?  What do they talk about? Are they finding people and introducing themselves outside of traditional associations?  What type of information is exchanged? Passionate people can answer these things.

  4. Ask Motivational queued questions.

    When have you been most satisfied in your work? How about least Satisfied? If the answers show a consistent theme of talking about mindless factors rather than being able to do interesting work related to their field, it’s hard to project them as passionate in their field.

And no – passion for something that’s not work-related doesn’t count. It’s nice to know your candidate loves to be involved in extreme sports, but it has no impact on things that emulate from passion for the profession—continuous improvement, innovation, etc.

Start asking questions that give you line of sight for professional passion in your candidates. No fake passion or passion that doesn’t produce results.

Struggling to recruit new staff with your existing recruitment advertising strategyFind out more about The Recruitment Alternatives online recruitment advertising services.

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