December 19, 2016

Merry Christmas – We are open for business!

We are open for your business through Christmas & New Year!merry christmas

Need to recruit early 2017?

Merry Christmas! Recruitment doesn’t stop for the holidays at The Recruitment Alternative.  Australias SME’s are growing and thriving. New staff are going to be needed to help with your expanding businesses. The Recruitment Alternative are a generalist recruitment company. Our consultants come from a wide range of industries. We specialise in giving personalised care to your business. And we match candidates to fit your job brief, culture, and expectations.

Contact one of our consultants during your holiday downtime to discuss how we can help you in the New Year.  Let us help you plan for your next recruitment drive. Our staff come from all industries and businesses and can offer one to one advice on how to recruit the right candidate.

Merry Christmas: Things to do?

There are a few things that you can add to your holiday to-do lists to help plan ahead for next year.

Checklist: Things to have prepped before recruiting

    The application process – Make sure you know how this process is going to run and you’ve scheduled key dates with your team.

⊗    A job description – This is a pretty basic one but you’d be surprised how many people don’t get this worked out in heaps of detail before they start looking for people.

    The remuneration package – Having a fairly clear idea of what you want to (and can!) offer before those conversations crop up is obviously a good idea. So, sometimes this means having a couple of different structures up your sleeve so you can be flexible around the applicant’s ideal scenario.

    An employment agreement – This is the really important legal part of your hiring process so it’s a good idea to have it pretty much ready to go before you start. That way if there are little tweaks you need to make you won’t have a hold up at the lawyer’s office.

    Interview process and questions – Who’s going to be involved in interviews from your end? So, what questions are you going to ask? This’ll help you prep your team for the process and may help with how you’re wording your ads.

The Recruitment Alternative recruitment solutions extend to every city within Australia.

So whether you’re looking for a Junior Receptionist or a Senior Finance Manager The Recruitment Alternative can help you.

In conclusion, we want you to know “budget recruitment to suit your budget is our business!”

Finally,  Click here to contact us now or call 1 300 548 546for a quick response!

Merry Christmas to all from the team at “The Recruitment Alternative”.  

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