October 30, 2017

Resume Writing Trick or Treat? Tips from The Recruitment Alternative

Halloween is approaching, don’t get ‘tricked’ and let the next job you apply for slip away. Whether it is in retail, human resources, warehousing or accounting, here are some ‘treats’ from The Recruitment Alternative. We are Australia and New Zealand’s multi-award winning low cost recruitment agency here to help you win the next career opportunity in your chosen industry.

Job seeking is competitive, so why not do everything that you can to ensure you stand out from the crowd. This starts with your resume, below are the top 5 ‘treats’ from The Recruitment Alternative when preparing your resume:

  1. Don’t just list your responsibilities, also include your achievements. How you made a difference and contributed to the development of your department and or organisation. For example, if you are a Marketing professional, did you increase revenue and supply low cost solutions to your employer? If so, note these down! Employers want to know how you will be an asset to their organisation.
  2. Avoid using unusual font styles, sizes, layouts or colours. However, Graphic Designers may explore this to demonstrate their skills and experiences but should always ensure a professional resume is presented.
  3. Only include relevant information such as your work history, Education (qualifications) or licenses, achievements, a personal statement and skills/abilities. For example, positions within the Warehousing sector where a forklift license is often required, should clearly be noted on your resume otherwise it will be assumed you don’t have one.
  4. Address any obvious gaps in your work history with a brief explanation and ensure spelling/grammar is correct on both your resume and cover letter. If you’re apply for an Administration position and state that you have a ‘high attention to detail’ but have errors in your resume it proves quite the contrary.
  5. Ensure that your resume is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and flows correctly – mismatched content is confusing and unprofessional.

Don’t get ‘tricked’ by not being prepared, as any recruiter or hiring manager can tell you when shortlisting applicants your resume must meet most or all of the criteria in the position description. An employer doesn’t want to read what you think about yourself, they want to read about your results and demonstrated strengths. Your resume is a showcase of your abilities as a future employee both with layout/design and content, so why not take the time to make it stand out!

We recruit for all job categories ranging from Sales, Engineering, Reception, Customer Service and more, in both Australia and New Zealand. Our in-house recruitment experts have access to a large candidate database which allows us to provide our clients with the best possible service at a price that makes sense. For more information head to our ‘job seeker help center’ and why not pay our jobs board a visit – your next career opportunity could be a click away. Good luck!!

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