December 11, 2016

Christmas Recruitment Blog – Part Two

Christmas Recruitment wrap-up.Christmas Recruitment

Yes, the tinsel is hung around the lamp post and Boney M has started playing through the shopping malls. It’s that time of year again, time to think about the Christmas Recruitment wrap-up.

Think ahead and get organised

Take this time to think about what you want to change on Jan 2nd –  Put a plan on paper NOW so that you can literally start running on that first day back.  There definitely is a time when things do grind to a halt. The days between Christmas and New Year if you’re working is likely to be s-l-o-w at its best.

Take the opportunity to use this time well.

  • So, book in a bit of general housekeeping: sort your desk out – there is always room for improvement inside everyone’s desk.
  • Update your phone or contact lists with the contact details and the business cards you have collected.
  • Get rid of any piles of filing or notes you have lying around, even better write them up and organise them.
  • Also, empty your inbox, go through your emails and flag those which need actioning or marking any email that requires urgent attention.
  • Start the year with an organised workspace and it is more likely to be an organised month and year ahead.

Make the ground work count. Make sure that December isn’t a wasted month but actually, the most productive month of your year leaving you refreshed, motivated and with a clear direction in January 2017.

Get in contact with The Recruitment Alternative

The consultants at The Recruitment Alternative are recruitment experts. We understanding the changing workforce and planning for the future – These are skills where we have a full bank. Contact one of our knowledgeable Recruitment Consultants for an obligation free chat.  Let us do what we do best.

The Recruitment Alternative, Low-cost Recruitment Solutions for your business.

Contact us: 0800 587 546

Job Seekers: Check out our Job Board. New vacancies added daily.

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