July 6, 2021

Job Seeking: Review Multiple Job Boards

To give yourself the best shot at finding your new employment opportunity, it’s important to review multiple job boards during your job-seeking efforts. Many businesses and recruitment agencies will use more than just Seek to share job vacancies.

Job Boards To Review

Here is a list of the top job boards we recommend reviewing as part of your job seeking efforts:

Tailor Your Approach

If you are applying for a position within a specific industry, try looking for industry-specific job boards to narrow your search. For example, if you work within the Environmental Industry you could try looking for environmental jobs on: https://environmentaljobs.com.au.

Or if you are in the Engineering Industry you could try: https://www.engineeringjobs.com.au.

It’s important to study the job description when applying for any job, no matter the industry. Tailor your resume and cover letter accordingly. Consider, are you mirroring the words and phrases in the job description? Are you showcasing your strengths key areas vital to this role?

Personalised Technique

Consider crafting genuine thank you emails for the moment you get back to a computer, following the interview. It should go to the interviewer/s and or the recruiter involved. The speed at which you send your thank you email and the overall quality will make an impact.

If you would like to keep update with our job postings and connect with our ‘Facebook page’. For more tips and advice check out our ’job seeker help center’. The Recruitment Alternative operates Australia and New Zealand wide. Across Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. If you would like to find out more about our services, contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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