Here’s a fantastic blog written by one of our experienced recruiters, Vicki Van Kraay.
Unconscious bias occurs when our brain automatically makes quick judgments based on our background, personal experiences, societal stereotypes, and cultural context.
Whether we realise it or not, we’ve all been influenced by unconscious bias at some point. That’s why it’s called “unconscious” bias. Does any of this sound familiar?
- You glance at a CV and reject it because the Academic Institution isn’t one you recognise or prefer.
- You refuse to interview someone because they currently work at a company where you once had a negative experience.
- You overlook overseas qualifications, assuming they aren’t as valuable as local credentials.
- The candidates’ CV is not to your liking, even though they have the experience you are looking for.
- You reject someone who rescheduled an interview, assuming they’re unreliable. They could not possibly have a valid reason or be sick on the day of interview.
- You reject someone because they have been job searching for months. There must be something wrong with them.
- You assume a candidate on a visa won’t stay long enough to be a worthwhile hire.
- And there’s more……..
How Professional Recruiters Overcome Unconscious Bias
At The Recruitment Alternative, we understand how unconscious bias can limit your talent pool. We are here to make your life easier and to save you valuable time reviewing 100’s of CV’s. Our role is to make your hiring process easier and ensure you meet the best candidates for your role and this involves sometimes “looking outside the square”.
We go beyond what’s written on a CV and focus on identifying quality candidates who bring the right skills, experience, and potential to your business.
Our Recruitment Approach
- We advise candidates to improve their CVs, but we avoid excluding great candidates simply because their documents aren’t polished. Insisting on perfect resumes would reduce your potential talent pool by up to 50%.
- We thoroughly assess all qualifications to ensure they meet the client’s standards.
- We always ask candidates why they’re leaving their current roles to understand their motivations.
- We conduct detailed interviews to assess skills, experience, and cultural fit, ensuring candidates align with your criteria.
- Most importantly, we put unconscious bias aside to identify the best person for the job.
Let’s face it, by doing so, you have access to a much wider talent pool.
Looking to Build a Stronger Team?
If you’re ready to discover top talent without bias holding you back, get in touch with The Recruitment Alternative today.
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Let’s work together to find the right people for your business!