January 19, 2014

Henry Ford and The Recruitment Alternative

An observation of the origins of the Ford Model T and The Recruitment Alternative.

goldStarWhat do Henry Ford and The Recruitment Alternative have in common?

In the early 1900s Henry Ford had a trail blazing dream.  He dreamt of building  motor cars at a price that families could afford.  Conventional car makers at the time derided Ford’s aspirations and said it could not be done. There was no way, they argued, that a good car could be built for less than a certain price. The accepted wisdom of the day was that cars could only be afforded by the rich.

As we all now know, Ford not only proved his critics wrong, but he went on to dominate the car market with his iconic Model T for many years to come. Henry Ford made great cars at affordable prices and as a result made the motor vehicle accessible to millions of people.

How did Ford do it? The answer lies in two parts. First, he wasn’t willing to accept the conventional thinking of the day (harder to do than you may think) and second, he was prepared to innovate and adopt the new technologies of the day.

The Recruitment Alternative carries on Ford’s legacy in the world of recruitment. We’re not the only ones but we’re firmly in the vanguard of bringing affordable recruitment excellence to small and medium size businesses throughout Australia and New Zealand.

We too have rejected conventional thinking and eagerly adopt new and effective ways of doing things. We have proven many hundreds of times that high quality recruitment is eminently affordable, even to the smallest businesses. Like Ford, however, we too have our nay sayers. Eyes firmly planted on the rear view mirror they cannot accept that one can access affordable recruitment excellence at a fraction of conventional recruitment prices.

But the facts tell another story:

1.       The Recruitment Alternative has been trading for approximately 6 years now

2.       We enjoy the support of hundreds of client throughout Australia and New Zealand

3.       80% of our business is repeat business

4.       Our success rate is consistently around the 85% mark

5.       Our clients rate us on average 9.2/10 for our service levels

Here’s to keeping in good company.

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