January 3, 2023

Labour Market Trends

The labour market in 2022 was one of the tightest seen in decades. There is evidence that shortages are easing in some industries since the borders remain open and with skilled migration quotas increasing in Australia. However, what can we expect to see from the labour market in 2023?

Occupations in Demand

A report published by the Department of Employment identifies which occupations are expected to grow most in 2023. The below are areas expected to increase:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Software & Application Programmers
  • Primary School Teachers
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Construction Managers
  • Motor Mechanics
  • Psychologists and Mental Health Workers
  • Secondary School Teachers
  • ICT Managers
  • Accountants
  • Graphic Designers / Web Developers
  • GP’s
  • HR Professionals
  • Civil Engineers
  • Chefs / Cooks
  • Electricians
  • Project Managers / Project Administration

Standing Out

In such a competitive market, how can you make your role more attractive to top talent? Here at The Recruitment Alternative, we recommend considering the following:

  • Having a clear and accurate job ad – Avoid vague information and focus on key details to match the right people to the skills you are looking for.
  • Know what you want – Knowing that you need to fill a role is one thing but knowing exactly what you need in a new candidate to fill the skills gap in your business is another thing entirely. When commencing recruitment, have in mind what transferrable skills you are open to, what hours are they required to work, are you open to upskilling or training, do they need formal qualifications, etc.
  • Simplify your hiring process – Consider removing any unnecessary steps that may negatively affect the hiring process. For example, if you require 4 interviews with a candidate before you make a decision, a candidate will likely accept a role with the competition down the road who only needed 2 interviews. It’s important to stay apprised of the competition and also consider the candidate experience and the tone it sets for your business.

Advice During a Skill Shortage

Consider Your Point of Difference – Candidate’s priorities have changed, with flexibility being the number one priority for workers according to a report recently completed by LinkedIn. When interviewing, candidates are reviewing you just as much as you are reviewing them. With flexibility at the top of the list, how can you adapt this into your business? You could consider a hybrid work environment so employees can work from home a couple of days a week. Think about what big draw cards your business can use to not only attract top talent but retain it.

Outsource Support – As a business owner, you likely wear many hats and your time can be stretched thin. In addition to this you may not have established networks to lean on during a candidate skill shortage. In this instance, we suggest considering working with a recruitment agency. The Recruitment Alternative understands that all businesses essentially want two things from a recruitment agency. The first is great candidates, and the second is affordable low-cost recruitment fees. We provide both!

Are you an SME looking to recruit top talent at an affordable price in 2023? Contact The Recruitment Alternative today on 1300 548 546 or via our contact us page. We will be able to work with you to achieve your recruitment goals and find a suitable candidate for your business.

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