November 1, 2022

Interview Tips for Employers

Feeling unsure of what to ask when interviewing candidates? Being able to maximise your time and keep within an affordable budget is vital for any small to medium size business when it comes to recruitment. Here are some interview tips from The Recruitment Alternative – Australia’s affordable recruitment agency:

Prepare Questions Prior to the Interview

As an interviewer, it is not ideal to make up the questions as you go. Preparing questions that are tailored to the role you are recruiting for will help you to find the most suitable candidate for the position. For example, we suggest considering:

  • Behavioural questions – e.g. Tell me a time you worked effectively under pressure.
  • Skill based questions – e.g. Describe a situation in which you led a team.
  • Situational based questions – e.g. Describe a situation where you saw a problem and took steps to resolve it.

Don’t limit your questions to skills only. Unseasoned interviewers often focus exclusively on the candidate’s skills; however, getting a feel for the candidate’s cultural fit is also helpful. It is important to ascertain whether the candidate will fit into the existing culture of your team.

Don’t be Quick to Judge

Be mindful when preparing for the interview not to form preconceived ideas or opinions about the candidate’s suitability. After reading their CV, you may be concerned about their possible skills gap or career decision. While these concerns may well be justified, don’t rule any candidate out or make snap judgements before or while interviewing them.

Allow Time for Questions

Candidates should be given time at the end of the interview to ask any questions they may have about the company and the position. This helps them determine if they think the role also aligns with the. In addition, it gives you a better idea of how interested they are in the position and how well they comprehend the company in general.

How Can a Recruitment Agency Help?

Our service has been designed to take all the stress and hassle out of the recruitment process at a low-cost price you can afford. As well as saving you time and money, we minimise the risk of you hiring the wrong person. Our recruitment agency provides you with professional recruitment advice every step of the way.

Are you an SME looking to recruit top talent at an affordable price? Contact The Recruitment Alternative today on 1300 548 546 or via our contact us page. We will be able to work with you to achieve your recruitment goals and find a suitable candidate for your small business.


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