January 19, 2014

Four Case Studies

Read about 4 ways we’ve helped 4 different businesses.

blog-caseStudyCase Study 1 

“We can’t believe how much money you’ve saved our business”

Recently, a busy IT services company approached us to recruit 4 staff. They were unhappy with the recruitment agency they had been using because they were paying high fees and they felt they were not getting value for their money.

Initially they were sceptical about our services because they felt our pricing was “too good to be true”. They just couldn’t believe we could provide a good service at our prices. They kept on wanting to know “where the catch was”. Despite these obstacles we convinced them to give us a go.

A few weeks later, we successfully placed all 4 staff.  We saved them just under $40,000 on these 4 roles – enough to employ a junior employee person for a year! 

Not only did we successfully place all the roles we also provided them with outstanding service levels. Here’s one of the comments we received: “You sent us excellent candidates and your service levels were great”.

Case Study 2

We’re even more affordable than you think

Not too long ago we had a business owner contact us to do his recruitment. The previous time he hired someone, he conducted his own recruitment campaign to save money (he hadn’t heard about us back then).

It took him about 10 hours of his time and a couple of ads on Seek.  When we asked him what his hourly rate was he said $200.  So, it cost him $2000 in his time and $430 on advertising. That’s $2430.00.  Our cost for the same job is $1990.00.  Why do it yourself, when we can do it all for you for less?

But, the truth of the matter is that it cost him a lot more. That’s because the person he hired ended up leaving after two months, so he had to repeat the entire process. If he had used us he would have had access to our 3 month replacement guarantee and saved thousands of dollars as well as his precious time.

Case Study 3

“What surprised me were your service levels.  It’s so refreshing to get responsive service these days”

When we first approached one of current clients the Managing Director told us that she had refused to use a recruitment agency for many years because of her “terrible experience last time”. They made her feel “small and unimportant”.

Despite this obstacle we convinced her to give us a go!  A few weeks later we successfully placed a Digital Designer and a Public Relations expert.

Not only did we place both roles at a price that saved our client thousands of dollars (at least about $12K), we were also the recipients of glowing feedback about our service and attentiveness. The client who swore she would never use an agency ever again is now one of our satisfied clients who refers us business.

 Case Study 4

“Your prices are so low….you must provide a poor service”

Unfortunately, too many people associate affordable pricing with poor service. They do themselves a grave injustice and end up paying much more money than they need to. Let us give you an example.

Last year a peak national association for the accommodation industry approached us to find them a replacement CEO. They were talking to other agencies who were quoting them in excess of $20,000 recruitment fees. We said we’d do it for $2,500. Initially, the board was sceptical, but in the end they didn’t want to spend over $20K so they gave us a go.

Several weeks later we placed their CEO!

We sent them 6 candidates all of whom were of a very high quality. We saved them about $20,000, provided them with an excellent service and were the recipients of great feedback.

You no longer have to pay exorbitant fees to get a great recruitment service.

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