December 28, 2017

Career goals for the New Year!

Have you given a thought to what you would like to achieve in the New Year of 2018? With New Year’s Resolutions being the focus of January, why not start considering your career goals now.

Here are The Recruitment Alternatives top 5 tips for achieving your career goals in 2018……

Figure out your passion

Is there something that you absolutely love? What’s the one thing you are most enthusiastic about? We all have something that we are drawn to or that we love doing. So why not turn your passion into a career. You may be passionate about a range of thing such as:

  • Creative arts – photography, painting/drawing, design, acting, film etc.
  • Technology – coding, app development, website development, editing etc.
  • Outdoors – fitness, building things, travel, nature conservation, climate change etc.
  • Social – working with youth, helping people, sales – real estate/retail/travel, child protection etc.

Life is to short, so why not figure out the one thing that you enjoy the most. Whether it’s to be a Journalist, Personal Trainer, Lawyer, Accountant, Graphic Designer – find your true calling and create a career that gets you out of bed in the morning and excited for the day. Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

Make a plan

Once you’re ready for change, make a plan and be smart about it! You cannot achieve your career goals running head first with no plan what so ever. As the saying goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. Write out a list of goals, ways to achieve them and a general time line. A good question to ask yourself is “where do I see myself in 1-2 years’ time and even 5 to 10 years’ time”. To achieve what you want out of your career will take time. So be patient, realistic and don’t expect overnight success.

Get out of your comfort zone

As Neale Donald Walsch said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while, to take a worthwhile risk to succeed. If you want to become a Human Resources Manager and need to go back to school then why not do it? If you work in Administration and want to do Project Management, then get ready to do it! You could then ask for that promotion or leave that boring job, it may seem scary for a little while but totally worth it in the end.

Accept failure and reject procrastination

Failure isn’t necessarily a bad thing like most people think. More often than not failure is a great learning experience. Let’s face it, we all make mistakes but it’s how we respond to those mistakes that makes us who we are. Do we pick ourselves back up and try again or wallow in sadness? The quicker we learn to accept failure the quicker we’ll learn to succeed.

Now that we have accepted that it’s ok to fail we need to reject procrastination! It’s one of the reasons why some people don’t achieve or do well. The whole “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll do it next year” or “I just don’t have the time” are such common phrases. If you really want it, then find a way to make it work. Not fritter away time, remove distractions, stay focused, organised and be productive!  Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.


In today’s modern world there are an incredible range of opportunities out there. You don’t necessarily have to go back to school to learn a new skill. Did you know Steve Jobs never went to University but successfully ran Apple now worth well over a billion dollars? Richard Branson who founded Virgin Group (which is worth well over 4 billion dollars) dropped out of high school at age 16. Michael Dell founder of Dell computers dropped out of University and went on to be one of the youngest and most successful CEO’s on the Fortune 500 list. Rachel Ray is now a successful cooking TV Show star/author/business woman but never attended college. Doesn’t have a formal culinary training or qualifications but now earns over $50 million.

Self-education is an important life skill to master. Don’t expect things to come easily, it takes time, research, watching tutorials etc. We learn all the time and it can’t always be on a schedule laid down by a curriculum. Some things are easier than others to learn but sticking to it will gradually make things that once seemed difficult at first become second nature.

It’s never too late to implement change, establish your goals and a plan to make them happen! If your goal includes looking for a new career head to our ‘job seeker help center’ for more information. While you’re there why not pay our jobs board a visit – your next career opportunity could be a click away!

The Recruitment Alternative are currently recruiting across Australia and New Zealand. Roles at all levels in Accounting, Digital Marketing, Administration and IT – just to name a few! As a generalist recruitment agency, we offer affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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