Determining a Fair Salary Offer

Determining fair salary offers for new hires is a pivotal responsibility for employers and business leaders. It goes beyond mere financial calculations; it speaks volumes about your company’s principles, its appreciation for skilled individuals, and its ability to attract and retain top-notch employees. A fair salary offer showcases your dedication to fairness, competitiveness, and the […]

Salary Negotiation Do’s & Don’ts

Negotiating your salary can actually “make or break” your chance of being chosen. It’s also a crucial step in ensuring that you are fairly compensated for your credentials and experience. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you navigate salary negotiation effectively. Do’s Do Your Research Know the current market and industry standards for […]

How Small Businesses Find BIG Talent

Large businesses often offer candidates the big brand name, several bonuses and benefits aligning with a large pay package. So, how can small businesses compete with the top guns and recruit the best possible talent? Fortunately, it is quite easy because there are many candidates looking to work in smaller companies. For example, smaller businesses […]

What to avoid when negotiating your salary

Most of us do not change jobs often enough to hone our skills in terms of salary negotiations. Nor do we possess lots of experience when it comes to negotiating a better salary at our salary review time. As a result, it is not uncommon for people to enter into negotiations on the basis of […]

Salary negotiation tactics that work

If you’re feeling nervous about negotiating a new salary or your yearly increment it might comfort you to know that you’re not alone. A recent survey indicated that 60% of Australian workers feel ill-equipped to deal with salary negotiations. But it’s not all bad news. You’ll be pleased to know that with a little preparation […]

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